Chlorpyrifos – What It Contains

Chlorpyrifos – What It Contains

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Chlorpyrifos is a widely used termiticide and insecticide in agriculture, the home, gardens and on pets. It is also referred to as an OP or organophosphate broad-spectrum chemical. It is not very water-soluble and it comes in a white, crystalline, solid form. Before it is sprayed or applied, it is usually mixed with an oily substance to make it more delivery-friendly. It’s been in use for many years and even today, in spite of the many health hazards that it is said to pose, it is still widely used in many applications.

Chlorpyrifos is registered for use across the world for pest control in crops – and this encompasses many crops. This makes it available for use in a great many agricultural applications. It is also used inside the house by pest control companies and is an ingredient in household pest control sprays as well. Unfortunately, what it contains is, in most cases, harmful for health. The active ingredient in this pesticide results in so many ailments both in humans and in animals. The use in homes has been curtailed to a certain extent after a 2000 ruling which took into account the many health dangers this chemical posed.

Why is it still in use if it contains harmful ingredients? The problem is, over the years, so many have got used to using strong pesticides that they don’t want to stop. After using a pesticide that gets rid of all your pests, most people do not want to try natural pesticides which might not be effective as quickly as something this strong. So with both users not putting up a strong protest, with large companies with clout manufacturing it and with legislation dragging its feet, what has happened in effect is that while the use has been curtailed in certain areas and for certain usage, it is still being used in large quantities in a lot of applications. In fact in many countries it is the prescribed pest control chemical for crop protection.